Our Approach

The purpose of a visual contract

We create visual contracts that help people make autonomous decisions and build sustainable relationships. Our visual contracts are pro-active and result focused instead of traditional, only risk averse and written for courts/judges/lawyer.

We believe anyone is capable of making good contracts and the law should be accessible to everyone, just as the medium that is used to create these contracts to make them tangible.

Read more about our impact.

Some example visual contracts

The anatomy of a visual contract

Often when we tell about visual contracts the first idea that comes to mind is ‘adding visuals to the legal document’. Nevertheless, we have a totally different understanding of what a visual contract entails and would like to explain to you all the different layers of how a visual contract is built up.  The core of a visual contract is that it is a binding legal document with a better user experience, understanding and helping people with making more autonomous decisions on legal topics.

A visual contract empowers people legally because it is easier to understand and increases trust because of transparent communication. This better comprehension and transparency is reached by the different layers within the design of the contract, which can be described as follows: 

The layers of a visual contract exist of:

  • Format & medium Content: proactive content or traditional     content?
  • Structure - patterns and layout
  • Visual style/ tone of voice/ words usage
  • Interpretation
  • Impact

Read more in our article:
The anatomy of a visual contract


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Design Thinking process

The process of design thinking exists of five phases: 'Empathise', 'Define', 'Ideate', 'Prototype' and 'Test'. Every project can start in a different phase, depending on the work that already has been done and the goals that are set. For our workshops and trainings we focus on either the ‘Empathize phase’ including Empathise, Define and Ideate, or the ‘Make phase’, starting from ideate until Testing.

What is Legal Design Thinking?


Empathizing with the end user, client or person who you design for is central in design thinking. There are many different design research techniques to elicit deep user insights.


By testing the prototype new insights will be gained on the user experience of the concept and if it actually solves the original problem. Testing can be more explorative or evaluative, depending on the phase of design process.


The concepts will be transformed into prototypes that can be tested with real users and within context. Prototypes can be sketch prototypes, storyboards, clickable apps or detailed interactive apps.


Based on the Design vision, created in the Define phase, we start brainstorming and sketching ideas. Based on structured decision making we work out ideas into proper concepts that can be prototyped.


Before starting to ideate and brainstorm on ideas and solutions, we detail or redefine the problem statement. What is the problem behind the problem? And what is the scope and relevant topic to focus on in the design process?

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