Contributing to diversity and inclusion

About the chicken and the egg. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Or does it really matter what came first? You need one to have the other, and vice versa. So, drawing a comparison to diversity and inclusivity. What comes first? Inclusivity before you can be truly diverse? Or will diversity naturally ask for inclusivity? Who has the answer? Do we need an answer? Do they not just need to interact, co-exist seamlessly in order to create equal opportunities, and attract top talent within a company? To build a work environment and culture that enables all employees to participate and thrive. In this blog we highlight why both diversity and inclusivity are important for your company to grow and prosper, and how Visual Contracts can help contribute to that.

November 16, 2021

Contributing to being diverse and inclusive as a company

And why it matters

About the chicken and the egg. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Or does it really matter what came first? You need one to have the other, and vice versa. So, drawing a comparison to diversity and inclusivity. What comes first? Inclusivity before you can be truly diverse? Or will diversity naturally ask for inclusivity? Who has the answer? Do we need an answer? Do they not just need to interact, co-exist seamlessly in order to create equal opportunities, and attract top talent within a company? To build a work environment and culture that enables all employees to participate and thrive. In this blog we highlight why both diversity and inclusivity are important for your company to grow and prosper, and how Visual Contracts can help contribute to that.

Let’s first clear something up. Many people use the terms ‘inclusion’ and ‘inclusivity’ at will. However, there is a difference between them:

Inclusion (noun): ): the act of trying to include many different types of people and treat them all fairly and equally

Inclusivity (noun): the quality of trying to include many different types of people and treat them all fairly and equally

Therefore, we can conclude that inclusion is a process and inclusivity is a state, and that most companies, therefore, are striving for inclusivity whilst working on their ways of inclusion. Now we set that straight, let’s talk about why we think it matters being diverse and inclusive as a company.

Being diverse and inclusive

By striving to be diverse and inclusive you are truly reflecting and engaging your customers, clients as well as employees. This can only positively affect your company, your product and/or services. As you are able to consider and develop ideas that reflect society, and not just one or a select group of people.

It also shows true acceptance of one another, and being respectful of each other’s differences. This should enable a group of people, employees in this case, to connect and work with each other more easily. Again, creating an environment where ideas can flourish. Creating sustainable working relationships.

By being diverse and inclusive you also allow your company to attract and access top talent. Talent that is right for your company, and thus creating an environment that is right for them. You show your willingness to understand their needs and requirements. This will open up the amount of talent available to your company.

Furthermore, up-and-coming talent respect and admire a company that’s diverse and inclusive, and are more likely to consider you as a company they would like to work for. Showing your commitment to being socially responsible, taking care of your employees, looking after their well-being. This will, in the end, also benefit society.

Finally, by having a diverse workforce, you are creating an environment where - through different perspectives, backgrounds and experiences - new and unique ideas will flourish, and foster true innovation.

How visual employment contracts can help contribute

At Visual Contracts we always try to see the world from everyone’s point of view. We consider others in everything we do. Being empathic: placing ourselves in someone else’s position, and trying to understand them. We accept different ways of thinking, irrespective of gender, culture, education, (dis)ability and neurodiversity* We are catalysts, helping to set in motion a change in the world of employment contracts - transforming and innovating.

* a viewpoint that brain differences are normal, rather than deficits. Neurodiverse people experience, interact with, and interpret the world in unique ways. This concept can help reduce stigma around learning and thinking differences, including autism, dyslexia and ADHD

We feel that by being inclusive you will make it easier for your company to be diverse. Visual employment contracts will help you be more inclusive and accessible to a larger, more diverse group of people. Traditionally employment contracts are full of legal jargon, making them not very accessible or inclusive, unless you have followed some form of legal education.

By creating a visual employment contract, you will need to think differently. Turning a traditional employment contract that is mostly impersonal and only defining all terms and conditions of employment, into a personal document that is not only representative of the employer but also of the employee. It is a human-centered document, with a low threshold, visually mapping out the employee journey - engaging people right from the start. A great starting point for a sustainable working relationship: transparent and fair.

By offering a visual employment contract, it shows that being inclusive and diverse matters to you as a company. That you are open to different ways of thinking. That you are able to consider others, by placing yourself in someone else’s position, and translating this into an easy-to-understand visual employment contract. Making it easier to attract a more diverse workforce, with all the benefits mentioned previously.

If you would like to chat some more about this, we would love to hear from you. Or if you would like to read more about how we work, how visual employment contracts can also contribute to positive employer branding, and how they can help create impact, have a look at our blogs and cases here.